Movements That Re-Activate Your Youth

When we were younger we called it play. Now, we workout. Let’s get back to playing!

In today’s wonderful world of convenience and technology, we no longer have to get off the couch. And, many of us don’t! With TV remotes and online ordering, drone deliveries and
fast food drive-throughs, these wonderful advancements seem to be conspiring to keep us from having to move at all.

Unfortunately, what seems to be timesaving and convenient today is actually detrimental to our long-term health and quality of life.

Many Americans suffer from what is now known as the sitting disease.

With two-hour commutes to and from work, long days sitting at your desks and endless evenings laying on the couch watching TV it’s no wonder so many of us are fat, sick and depressed.

And, what’s worse, when we finally get to retire from working so hard for all those years, most of us can’t enjoy it because our health is failing or, we have aches and pains that prevent us from doing the things we love.

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